
human resources

Have both moral integrity and talent, pay attention to learning, be loyal to the enterprise and develop together

Market-oriented, service-oriented, quality-oriented, technology-driven, and innovation-driven

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human resources

Talent concept

"A person fits his position, his position fits his person;"; Promote strengths and avoid weaknesses, and make the best of everyone's talents;

Zhongshan Jinxi Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. attaches great importance to the present, development, and future of its employees. Choosing employees will adhere to the principle of selecting people based on their positions, placing the appropriate employees in the appropriate positions, and giving full play to their personal abilities. After improving their work abilities, they will provide high positions for competitive recruitment based on their personal abilities and growth results, to further enhance their sense of achievement through the selection of the fittest. Adhering to the concept of respecting talents and harmonious innovation, not only education but also ability and level are important. Employing people depends on their strengths, performance, ability, and potential. By establishing a fair competition mechanism and a good cultural environment, employing employees' strengths, fully mobilizing the initiative and creativity of each employee, allowing employees to love their duties and do their best, and achieving greater personal value.

Employment strategy

Our way of employing people: be good at using people, using the right people, using good people, retaining people, and cultivating people.

Our employment principles: use people's strengths, avoid their weaknesses, flexibly use partial talents, and attach importance to all talents.

Our employment rule: Those who discover and cultivate talents will be rewarded, while those who bury or suppress talents will be punished.

Our employment system: dynamic transformation system; On-site monitoring system; Expiration rotation system; Dolphin style promotion system; Competitive employment system and dynamic equity incentive system.

The formula for our assessment and evaluation of talents is: individual comprehensive quality=knowledge+ability+performance+public opinion. Combine performance management with employee evaluation and leadership evaluation, focus on comprehensive evaluation results, and establish a scientific talent evaluation index system.
